USJ held the Sixth Education Conference on September 28, 2018. Dr. Claude Wang (President of USJ) , Dr. Bin Li, (Vice President of USJ), Dr. Jim Hao(Vice President of USJ), Mr. Andy Tian, (Director of Deep Learning Center of USJ), Mr. Allen Liu (Director of Big Data Center of USJ), Mr. Victor ( Executive Dean of the School of Big Data of USJ), and Mr. Sam (the Executive Dean of Blockchain School of USJ) etc. attended the conference. Mr. Kevin (Vice President of USJ) participated remotely. Dr. Wang hosted this meeting.
Three main content included in this conference. First of all, the meeting focus on the “the summary of the education and teaching work of USJ in the first half of 2018”, Dr. Claude Wang has reviewed and analyzed the progress and shortcoming of education work in the previous stage.
The second part of the meeting mainly discussed the arrangement of the work for the next stage of USJ. Based on the work summary of the first half of 2018, the participants discussed the work in detail for the second half of 2018 and put forward their opinions and suggestions. The direction of next stage has been clarified more specific. The strategic planning has been made both for the current and future education work.
At the end of the conference, the participants specifically discussed the cooperation project between “blockchain teaching project” and the “Silicon Valley Offshore Innovation Base”.
This meeting has achieved complete success.
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