Product Description
5 Course Modules
Complete all the Modules and achieve the best in Software Engineer
Designed to help you practice and apply the skills you learn.
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Course Description
This program will give you the theoretical background of Software Engineer, and help you gain the real-world skills to design and build software solutions for the modern business applications, the web application, the desktop application. You will learn a variety of programming languages, algorithms, major databases. Also, you will be able to design, develop and debug Software Systems (applications). Understanding software development fundamentals and focus on key concepts of software development that all Software Engineer need to know.
Course Outline
Chapter One
Section Outlines
Data Structures in Java
- What is Data Structures?
- Linear Data Structure
- Queue
- Stack
- Hash: Open Hashing and Closed Hashing
- Tree Data Structure
- Heap
- Priority Queue
- TreeMap
- Quiz & Assignment:
- Implement Stack, Queue
- Subarray Sum
- Copy List with Random Pointer
- Heapify an Array into a Min-heap Array
- Building Outline that can be Represented by a Triple
Chapter Two
Section Outlines
Algorithms and Evaluate
- Introducing Algorithm & Coding Style
- Big-O Space and Time Analysis
- Binary Search
- Binary Tree & Divide Conquer
- Recursion and Dynamic Programming
- Linked List
- Arrays, String, and Numbers
- Sorting and Searching
- Graph and Search
- System Design and Scalability
- Quiz & Assignment:
- Computing Big O with Consecutive Operations
- Asymptotic Notation and Analysis
- Implement and Test a Linked List
- Hands-On Labs:
- Markov Text Generation
- Spell Checking and Autocomplete
- Spelling Suggestions
- Class Design and Graph Search
Chapter Three
Section Outlines
Java Web Frameworks
- Spring MV
- Google Web Toolkit
- Struts2
- Hands-On Labs: Developing a Spring Framework MVC Application
Chapter Four
Section Outlines
NoSQL Databases
- Wide Column Store
- Hadoop/HBase
- Hive
- MapReduce
- Document Store
- Key Value
- Graph Databases
- Hands-On Labs: Creating a Hadoop Cluster and Writing Hive Queries Handling Real-Time and Streaming Data
Chapter Five
Section Outlines
Final Projects
- Java Programming: Amazon Recommendation Engines
- Analyze Social Networks: Implementing with Learned Algorithms, Create Test Datasets, Research Exist Solutions, and Analyze the Runtime
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