Event Background
With the emergence of value Internet, the management of digital assets has become a hot issue in the future. With the rapid development of blockchain technology and the ups and downs of digital currency, “New Internet” has emerged. What are the characteristics of NI (New Internet)? What are the hot technical issues? The specific application? This is the concern of everyone. We invite former Microsoft employee, Tsinghua alumni, Elastos founder Chen Hao, Tsinghua alumni, Elastos North American CTO Mr. Zhang Ge to share the topic of NI for everyone.
Event Topic
1) Changes in corporate form—A case study of cloud community management
2) “New Internet” development analysis
Lecture guest introduction
Rong Chen, CEO of Elastos Blockchain,
Kevin Zhang, CTO of Elastos Blockchain
12/11/2018 3:00 PM —5:30 PM PST
Meeting Room (127), 1631 N 1st St, San Jose, CA 95112
Join Online
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/16-new-internet-tickets-53553733659